Look at the date of the last journal entry... February 2020! In a month, it will be four years! How did that happen? Has nothing interesting happened in my life since 2020? The last thing I wrote was my personal elegy to my friend Ian who caught a nasty case of cancer and died shortly after. Have...
I have been fortunate in life to be surrounded by generous people and I have often been the benefactor of other's generosity. My father would tell me that in this life you get back ten-fold what you give. He was always generous, especially with his time- and his diverse skillset was always in dema...
It's a funny old world. Since Mike inspired, encouraged, cajoled and convinced me to write a story for his Rally for Rangers fund raising challenge, I find myself living more and more in the past. Memories, some from more than fifty years ago, have begun waltzing unchecked through the mosh pit...
Last summer my nephew and his bride had their wedding in our hometown. Since buying the old '84, I had really been looked forward to taking it to the track where I cut my teeth as a young motocross-crazed kid.
The Death of My 450. Looking back now, I really should have named this "The Crushing of My Soul" as my spirit was hurt a lot more than the bike was. I suppose the best way to explain why it was so soul crushing, is to write about what I went through to get that bike.
Summer of 2012 is when the cru...