It's a funny old world. Since Mike inspired, encouraged, cajoled and convinced me to write a story for his Rally for Rangers fund raising challenge, I find myself living more and more in the past. Memories, some from more than fifty years ago, have begun waltzing unchecked through the mosh pit...
I don't own a GoPro camera yet, there are usually enough of them mounted on the helmets of my riding mates to make hundreds of hours of video footage- and really, how much could one more camera add? For the spring BC ride of 2017, there were usually three cameras recording the adventures. In revie...
I published this story where I insensitively portrayed David Poelman. I regret this and I offer my sincere apology. I enjoyed knowing David, I am happy to have shared some good times with him as well. I made assumptions about which I knew nothing and I made a cheap joke at his expense. It was stu...
In 2014 my daughter Rose and I went to BC to spend time with my brother Pat, sister Cathy and their families in Merritt BC. For me the highlight of the trip was immersing myself in the dirt bike lifestyle in the hills near Merritt BC. In 2015 I went again. This was to be a more complete family reunion where all of our dirt-bike riding family members would gather. It was another great vacation except I immediately wounded myself as did my nephew Mike.
Ah, yes alcohol-per-dollar... what a brilliant plan for a couple young guys that spend nearly every nickel on motocross and getting to the races. In fact we had a way to get our Mom and Dad to help out on gas for these adventures. Our parents owned a tourist trap on the side of the highway that taug...
We grew up in an isolated part of Ontario, but it was al...