Look at the date of the last journal entry... February 2020! In a month, it will be four years! How did that happen? Has nothing interesting happened in my life since 2020? The last thing I wrote was my personal elegy to my friend Ian who caught a nasty case of cancer and died shortly after. Have...
I have been fortunate in life to be surrounded by generous people and I have often been the benefactor of other's generosity. My father would tell me that in this life you get back ten-fold what you give. He was always generous, especially with his time- and his diverse skillset was always in dema...
In reflecting on the benefits gleaned through a life of passionate dirt biking, many formative experiences leap to mind. But I would have to state, without reservation, that the most significant blessings are the lasting personal friendships forged in the fires of adventure. Or sometimes misadventu...
In the spring of 1969. I was 13 my sister Cathy 11, brother Jimmy 10 and the youngest brothers Pat and Mike were 6 and 4 respectively. We were all gathered at the Saturn Avenue playground for perhaps the most exciting moment in our young lives. The excitement level roughly proportionate to Christma...
I remember the incident and will probably never forget the day I thought I killed my friend on the track. I think I was in the second flag drop, not sure but Bernie was out of the gate and gone, I think I was in 250 Junior class and Bernie had moved up to Senior but was hanging with the experts and had the skills to do so. I believe they let the seniors and experts go out on one gate so Bernie was going to be out hanging with the big dogs because well because that's what Bernie does...
A couple years ago I went on a fantastic road-trip to BC with my oldest brother Bernie. The purpose for this trip was to go riding- and we did ride. We had a fantastic time on the bikes and the social time between rides was almost as fun. I wrote a story about the first few days of that trip an...
I published this story where I insensitively portrayed David Poelman. I regret this and I offer my sincere apology. I enjoyed knowing David, I am happy to have shared some good times with him as well. I made assumptions about which I knew nothing and I made a cheap joke at his expense. It was stu...
In 2014 my daughter Rose and I went to BC to spend time with my brother Pat, sister Cathy and their families in Merritt BC. For me the highlight of the trip was immersing myself in the dirt bike lifestyle in the hills near Merritt BC. In 2015 I went again. This was to be a more complete family reunion where all of our dirt-bike riding family members would gather. It was another great vacation except I immediately wounded myself as did my nephew Mike.