Just like I would have done back in '84, I woke early, jumped in the car and set out to the races. And just like back in the day, I had two bikes in tow. Many motocross racers in the 80s had two bikes; a 125 and a 250. If you wanted to run more than two motos in a day, your only option was to buy...
So why would I try to make an 84 RM fly? My Uncle Mike was right on the money, I watched my Dad do it and refused to be outdone, especially during the week of my wedding.
This story is part counter-story to So how far can you safely jump a 1984 Suzuki?
Contrary to popular belief, riding Mot...
My first project didn't actually have anything to do with motocross. I finally grew tired of putting studs in my rear tire and attaching my homemade front ski, just to ride it once or twice, real...
A few months ago I wrote a short story about dropping my bike off the trailer. It was my last ride of the season and I finished the story pining about how the vintage bike was great but not real practical. My goal when getting into vintage motocross was to just do a...
Last summer my nephew and his bride had their wedding in our hometown. Since buying the old '84, I had really been looked forward to taking it to the track where I cut my teeth as a young motocross-crazed kid.
mxworksbike.com is an awesome website that I discovered today. They are the home of the largest collection of works bikes and bikes of historical importance. I particularly liked this story as Kent Howerton is telling the story of his championship 19...