I published this story where I insensitively portrayed David Poelman. I regret this and I offer my sincere apology. I enjoyed knowing David, I am happy to have shared some good times with him as well. I made assumptions about which I knew nothing and I made a cheap joke at his expense. It was stu...
I went a little overboard with the bike graphics. I normally would not care in the least what graphics are on the bike, but now I seem to desire some personalization. Number 81 is my sentimental favourite number. In 1983, that was my assigned racing number allocated by the Canadian Motorcycle Ass...
In 2014 my daughter Rose and I went to BC to spend time with my brother Pat, sister Cathy and their families in Merritt BC. For me the highlight of the trip was immersing myself in the dirt bike lifestyle in the hills near Merritt BC. In 2015 I went again. This was to be a more complete family reunion where all of our dirt-bike riding family members would gather. It was another great vacation except I immediately wounded myself as did my nephew Mike.
A few months ago I wrote a short story about dropping my bike off the trailer. It was my last ride of the season and I finished the story pining about how the vintage bike was great but not real practical. My goal when getting into vintage motocross was to just do a...
Last summer my nephew and his bride had their wedding in our hometown. Since buying the old '84, I had really been looked forward to taking it to the track where I cut my teeth as a young motocross-crazed kid.
UPDATED February 4, 2017. I added a video from Mac's GoPro
Here is a story from the modern era of dirt-biking and family fun. In 2014 I took my daughter Rose to B.C. for a vacation- a respite from the horrible events that had consumed our family for longer than I care to think about. We had a great time and as good fortune would have it, it has become an annual event. This story recalls the events of the second annual trip to B.C. to ride dirt-bikes.
Yesterday was the start of the Supercross series with Anaheim 1. Ken Roczen won which was no big surprise, he won last year too and the year before. I always get excited for the Supercross series in the same way most other Canadians get excited for the hockey season.
Deb Riley posted a link to this on facebook and it brought back a flood of memories. I remember seeing this episode while watching TV with my dad on Willow Road so I must have been 11 or 12 at the time. These crazy conservation officers were tagging moose from the pontoon of a "Copter" and Merlin Perkins' crew was on hand to film the whole process.
I am skipping over a few adventures and writing a short story about a great day that I had riding motocross and meeting some new motocross people.
I worked a bunch of extra hours last week so I took the opportunity and had myself a day off. The day just happend to be be my birthday and what better way to celebrate than to ride a litte Vintage Motocross. So far most of my adventures on this bike has been woods riding. I really enjoy the wood...
I have some epic stories that I want to write. Next on the list is a chronicle of my great adventure to BC with Bernie...
Mackenzie posted this great video of him riding with friends in Grand Prairie. No swearing this time. Nice Mac! If you have anything else to show Mac, I love featuring you on the pages of the VM Notes.
Yesterday I wrote a story about finally getting the engine running properly and the suspension working a bit better. I was also pining about not having a place close by to go for a ride. When I woke this morning and did some further editing on that story, it drove me over the edge. Maybe I shoul...
Since last we spoke about the 1984 Suzuki RM250, I was lamenting all the reasons not to go and ride the old beast. Since then a lot of time has passed by and a lot of things have happened. I went to B.C. and rode dirt-bikes with family and friends. I started a new job at place I used to work at...