is an awesome website that I discovered today. They are the home of the largest collection of works bikes and bikes of historical importance. I particularly liked this story as Kent Howerton is telling the story of his championship 19...
This is a different sort of vintage motocross than I have gotten into. To be fair, the article refers to true vintage bikes, the kind that were being raced when I was playing with Tonka trucks in the sandbox out at Crystal Lake. I am not a collector, I am just dabbling...
To properly tell the story of this photo, a little back-story is necessary. In the summer of 1980, Bernie, my oldest brother moved home from Dryden, Ontario with his wife to join the family business. With him he brought all...
Now this is something to aim for. I have been to Unadilla twice to watch the big show, actually riding that track would be amazing. To ride the same track that nearly every elite rider circulated on. Bring a chest protector, 'dilla is...
Actually, I have yet to enter a vintage class race, but I will next year as I plan to attend at least one race. So how did this come to be you ask, it happened gradually.
I have been a motocross racer on and off since I bought my first true motocross bike in...
Not suprising, the carburetor of the old bike was plugged solid but what is surprising is that the guy that owned the bike was able to get it started at all. When I found the bike on kijiji, there was a video that showed the bike running, not moving, just running....