An 10 hour red-eye flight put me in Buenos Aires at 11AM. I did get to sleep on the plane, but not very well. Took a cab to my BnB and Uber to meet up with fellow Rally participants. We met at a very nice restaurant in a large market area and on the menu was beef. When I walked in I was greeted by several familiar faces of people I have never met, we already have history and the adventure is just getting started.
A large market in Buenos Aires. This market was huge and this street went on for about 1KM.
After dinner, rather than taking an Uber, I walked back to the BnB. It was a two hour walk and I enjoyed the different sights and sounds of the city.
I have no idea what this building is, but it is beautiful.
Riders at the Restaurant
I ordered the steak special. I may have received Tom's steak, but it was hard to know for sure as they were all great. Waiter came and cut them with a spoon.
The dinner crowd
It is spring time south of the equator so trees are blossoming everywhere.
There are a lot of motorcycels on the streets of Buenos Aires but not too many like this one. I would love to donate some of these to a worthy cause.
I walked past the Obelisco de Buenos Aires which I later noticed was a structure used to show how big the Pietro Moreno Glacier was. At 67 meters high, this tower is still diminutive compared to the glacier we saw
Crafts at the market, an interesting use of old records.